Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Web Site Assignment

The web site assignment was probably one of my favorites.  We created a teacher web site that was based on us!  The site consisted of four pages: Home, About Me, Course Information, and Web Resources.  The Home page consisted of me welcoming the student and parents to the semester.  The About Me page described myself.  I shared with the students and parents my education background and a little personal information.  The next page consisted of the course information.   There were a list of classroom rules, the daily schedule, major assignments and holiday breaks.  I also added some educational website on my “Resources” page for the students and parents to use; they consist of education games, fun interatctive videos, and more.  The sites are:

NETS met:
Standard 3c was met because the web site allows me to collaborate with students, parents, and community members by using technology.  Also, 4d was included because it allows me to engage with students by using digital-age collaboration tools.

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