Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Google Groups Assignment

Last night in class we had broken down into groups to create a Google group.  I was assigned to group 1, along with Sammy Jo Abbit, Heather Brou, and Melissa Flickinger.  We were told to name our group something creative.  Considering we are in a class at the University of Southern Mississippi and we are all female, the name “Lady Eagles” was chosen.  Melissa took the job of group manager.  It was so funny because we couldn’t get Sammy into the group.  Melissa kept sending her the invitation and Sammy kept checking her e-mail… and nothing!  Finally, she had to log into another e-mail for her to get the invitation.  The first thing we all had to do was create a question about educational technology to ask each other.  After we thought about what question we wanted to ask (sky was the limit if it pertained to the subject) we submitted it into the Google group in the discussion area.  I entered my question in the classroom then Thursday around 4:10 I sat down on my couch to answer the questions. 
The next thing that I was assigned to do was to find five education websites and post them into our Google group under the Pages area.  I found some great websites; each site had lots of other different sites to visit.  They were:,, www.bestedsites,com,,  These are great sites for any teacher who is trying to create an activity or lesson for their students. 
Finally, I always reflect on the day’s assignment in my blog.  After typing this blog session I am assigned to enter it into my Google group under Files as an attachment.  That’s what I am about to do! I will be back soon! 
Google Groups is a great way for students to interact in the classroom!  I believe it would cut down on a great deal of noise also.  If I were to give my students a group assignment I would definitely use Google Groups.  This way they would be able to communicate with each other and share documentations.  Also, this would cut down on the excuse, “but I did not get to see her to give her the paper”.   The students would also be able to use the discussion board to discuss questions and interact with each other; they may also be able to answer each other’s questions (ultimately me a great deal of headache).  

NETS met:

The Google groups assignment met 1d because students are able to collaborate knowledge by engaging in a learning in a virtual environment. It also met 2c because students can use digital tools to access resources.  Google groups meets 4c because it teaches students etiquette and responsibility when it comes to social interations related to the use of technology and information. NETS 5a is used because students participate in a community to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning.

Here is a link to my Google group:

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