Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Turnitin Assignment

Turnitin is a web site that allows teacher’s to turn in a student’s paper and almost instantly be able to tell if it is plagiarized or not.  I was assigned to type a report that describes the concerns pertaining to social, ethical, legal, and human issues that face technology.  Dr. Hartsell gave the class certain website to use.  We had to basically copy and paste a one page paper and then turn it in to Turnitin.  The point was for us to see how the software works.  Next, we were assigned to create our own paper that was not plagiarized.  I was able to view the differences.  Here is a link to my revised copy:

I will definitely use this in my future classroom (depending on the age group).  Turnitin is an essential tool for middle and high school teachers.  With the advances and availability of technology and the internet it is very easy for someone to plagiarize a paper.  This site allows teachers to make sure their students are not copying their work.  It is something I will use in the future and cherish!  It’s not fair if a student works eight hours on a paper and another student spends fifteen minutes plagiarizing one; this is why I will value Turnitin and use it for each writing assignment.
NETS met:
Turnitin falls under 3d because it evaluates and analyzes information.  Standard 4c promotes and models digital etiquette. 

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