Tuesday, November 16, 2010

My Final Reflection

During the course of this semester I have learned a great deal about technology.  I also thought that I was “updated” when it came to technology.  I know how to surf the net, write a research paper in a Word Document, and present a PowerPoint presentation.  I learned this semester that there is so much more technology available to me!  There is not only a great deal of technology available to me, but to teachers.   I had no idea that there were sites that would help you design a rubric and create a test.  There is also an abundance of software available to me to help in the classroom; such as, Windows Movie Maker and Concept Mapping.  These are great things that I learned that will definitely help my students retain more information.  This is the 21st century and students are “born with a computer in their hand”.  It’s imperative that I embrace technology to effectively teach my future students.   This class has really taught me a lot about how to use it in the classroom. 
I can’t say that I have any weak points when it came to this class.  The class was instructed so well and this contributed to me not having any weak points.  As soon as Dr. Hartsell explained the assignment I started working on it and usually finished it in a timely manner.   Technology is something that I get; I love it! 
My favorite part of the class was Rubistar.  I found it amazing that I could type in a subject and a rubric would pop up for me to use in my class.  I have a feeling that the Rubistar and I will become great friends.  It’s amazing that this program will allow you to create your own rubric also.  If I had not taken this class I would have never known about this wonderful creation. 
I believe that strongest part of me when it comes to technology is that I get it!  I absolutely love technology; it’s a part of my everyday life.   Patience is also something that allows me to understand technology.  I believe that it’s imperative to be patient when learning any new skill (especially technology). 
I plan on integrating technology in every possible way that I can.  It would be awesome if my future classroom had computers.  If my classroom does not have computers I will beg for them.  I will integrate technology mostly throughout center time.  I think it’s important for students to use technology on a daily basis because it is here and it’s not going anywhere! The future generations (my students) will be lost in this fast pace world if they do not get a grasp on computers, internet, etc.   Therefore, it’s my job to teach them. 
Overall, this class was one of my favorites this semester.  I learned a great deal that I will take with me on my journey to teaching the future.  I look forward to sharing my experiences in IT-365 with my future students and teaching them the most effective way… through technology!

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