Tuesday, November 16, 2010


The Blogfolio assignment is a great way for students to remember what they completed in IT-365.  During the course of the semester, I was assigned several different technology related projects to complete.  After each was completed I would take some time to write a reflection about what I learned, any problems that I may have encounter, and how I would use the lessons/assignments in the classroom.  They consisted of: Introduction to the Blogfolio, Web tools, GoogleGroups, Concept Mapping, Movie Story, GoogleSites, Turnitin, Assistive Technology Case Study, Blogfolios, and my Final Course Reflection. 
I encountered a few problems with compiling my Blogfolio.  The main problem I encountered in the beginning of the semester was not saving my work.  Particularly, I forgot to save my Rubistar assignment; therefore, I had to create it again.  This was not fun, but since I had experience navigating the site I was able to complete it in a timely manner.  After this fiasco I saved all of my work and I have not had a problem since.  Another problem I encountered was with the Windows movie assignment.  The version that I have at my home computer was not the same at the USM computer lab where IT-365 takes place.  When I arrived to class to turn in my assignment I could not get it to upload properly.  Again, I had to completely re-do my assignment.  Like the Rubistar assignment, it did not take me long to complete because I had my pictures and music saved on my jump drive.  I was able to “throw” it together and turn it in by the time class was finished. 
The Blogfolio is something that I will use in my future classroom.  .  I want to teach a high school history class and if I get my wish I will be using this form of technology.  It’s a great way for students to compile their work and it’s something that will help them in the future.  I will definitely be passing this form of technology onto my students.
NETS met:
The NET standards met on the Blogfolio consist of 1,2,3,4, and 5. 
1c – Students can reflect on their assignments using collaborative tools to clarify their understanding of the project/lesson/assignment/etc.
2c – The Blogfolio allows students to customize and personalize their learning activities.  They are able to use digital tools to address different learning styles and work strategies.
3 (all) – Students can use the Blogfolio to support research and learning, communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers, collaborate with others by using digital tools, and demonstrate fluency in technology systems by transferring current knowledge to new technology.
4 (a & d) – Students can use the Blogfolio to document sources appropriately.  They can also develop and model their views on anything by using digital age collaboration tools.
5 (all) – The Blogfolio can be used to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning, participate in shared community ideas, reflect on current research on a regular basis, and contribute to effectiveness.

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