Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Hello, my name is Melanie Brenier. I am a 24 year old student at The University of Southern Mississippi and I am majoring in Elementary Education. I have a wonderful husband and a two year old son. Technology is here, it’s not going anywhere! It’s my job as an educator to embrace technology and integrate it into my classroom.  It is everywhere and it is something that our children need to learn about. I believe children retain more information with proper technology. I can remember my 2nd grade class playing the Oregon Trail in computer lab. Actually, most of the activities I remember in grade school had to do with technology. I plan on being the best teacher that I can be: therefore, this class is undeniably very important. This blog will document my learning experience in IT 365.

I am familiar with basic skills when it comes to technology. There is always something else to learn though. I am very anxious as to what information I am going to acquire. The purpose of this blog is to document the things that I am going to learn and the projects that I am going to create. This is a working portfolio. I will be posting reflections and goals throughout the semester. I will also be posting projects that I complete in this class. Hopefully, this will demonstrate my acquisition of technology integration skills. I will upload projects that I complete on software programs, online tools, web page developments, and more. Each artifact (project) that I present here in this Blogfolio will relate to certain NETS-T standards and I will identify what NETS-T standards has been met. Each project will contain a hyperlink for you to see.